Since the 1980s, dating and marriage have drastically changed over the years. Interracial relationships and marriage have increased approximately 3.2 percent according to Pew Research Center’s analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS). And recently gay marriage was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court. Mixed relationships are becoming more common and at World Bride Magazine, we love it!
Ever since I was a little girl, I always knew that love comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Between being adopted from South Korea and raised by White American parents and being romantically involved with White American boys over the years, I grew up feeling that the duality between Whites and other races didn’t exist. I am now in a serious relationship with a man and for two years, we have ignored the fact that he is White-Italian and I am Korean; most of the time we don’t even identify as an interracial couple, unless a same-race couple looks at us with disapproval, which has occurred.
While couples embrace the love they share, it is important that as a couple you are making realistic decisions. While marriage is a beautiful and important part of life, you and your partner must be ready for the responsibility that goes with it. The joy of marriage can sometimes be daunting if you cannot deal with the issues surrounding how others may view your relationship. How solid are you and your partner discussing the truth that a mixed marriage may present to those in your family and unyielding in their beliefs? Can you acknowledge the truth and accept the pressure without taking to heart how people may view your decision or treat you in public?
My boyfriend and I are not ready for marriage yet, we plan to get there someday soon after we have accomplished several goals and objectives. We know that we love each other. Unfortunately, in some mixed marriages and relationships, it is also about just being accepted for who you are and who you love – just to be left alone and live a normal life without the morals of others being put upon you.
The other day we watched several matchmaking commercials and noticed that all of the actors were same-race couples. It can be troublesome that for many, their image of what love is has no option. The real question is whether you are open to find your match regardless of your differences or will you allow society to determine your future.
At the end of the day, love is all that should matter when it comes to you and your soul mate. As the Beatles famously sang, “All you need is love.”