Ladies In Waiting…

nana-eyeson1They say the hardest thing to do is finding a man, well with that said the second hardest thing to do is choosing which one of your “girls” will stand by your side before God and all the people that you cherish when you say “I do”!

For me choosing my bridesmaids or my “go to girls” as I love to refer to them as wasn’t that easy. As I have a lot of friends, some that have known me since my Arnold Jackson days of rocking the nappy fro and dashki’s or the days when I only wore limited edition Stan Smiths those were good times:-) And those girls know who they are and they know that I love them so so dearly.

But this day meant something different. I’ve blossomed so much in the past six years and at every milestone or downturn my memories lead me back these 7 ladies–yes I said SEVEN.

Once you get over the number, the next challenge is how do you ask them? Is it a phone call, an email or do you just let them assume its them? What do you do? Well the answer is, ask the Queen of chic, elegance and all things etiquette — Mrs. Mikki Taylor or as I affectionately call her “Big Momma” I had the pleasure of working with Mikki for over 5 years as the Bookings Editor of Essence and boy was it a BLAST! China, stationary, recipes, home decor, manners you name it she’s got the answers

So when I asked Big Momma how I should ask these ladies she said ” baby, when your having a fish fry that’s when you send an email but this is your wedding so you better come correct or don’t come at all” Lol! Gotta love her but she was right this was my wedding, and since I wasn’t sending out an e-vite to the wedding, then why would I ask my girls to share this most precious moment with me via telecommunications.

Then the idea hit me, I would send them a hand written note explaining why I loved them so dear and what their friendship has meant to me over the years. Very Carl Thomas of me but hey its my wedding 🙂

So I asked a former co-worker of mine Elsa Mehary who is an extraordinary illustrator and artist, if she could do a funky illustration of my girls that I could send to them. I knew they would love it and it would be a great and unique way for me to ask them.

Below are the ladies who represent all that I am and all that I’ve always wanted to be. Honesty, Loyalty, Beauty, Grace, Humor, Brilliance, Integrity, Compassion, Wisdom, the list goes on and on and these are my ladies:

Lola, TTurner, TFord, KLee, Jack’s, Amma B and my new lil sister Ayo

Thank you ladies for always being there for me and for loving me unconditionally. I promise not to be a BRIDEZILLA 😉


Go to Girls....
Go to Girls....


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