Brooklyn The Haute Destination Wedding Location For Your Nuptials

When a couple begins to plan their wedding it immediately becomes real.  Who? What? When? Where? How many?  How much? are some of the questions that need to be answered in order to plan your wedding day and keeping it as stress-free as one possibly can.

On March 17, 2019, we not only attended one of the best weddings shows that takes place in Brooklyn, New York but probably the best party ever. The ladies at Wedding Crashers did it again.

There must have been over 100 vendors there in the two buildings, 501 Union and The Green Building.  They were all ready to help you and countless other couples who were in attendance.  Meeting face to face with potential vendors who are ready to help you plan your nuptials is one of the necessary steps that need to be taken to producing such an event.

There were plenty on hand who were overjoyed to help.



As overwhelming as that may sound, the close to 600 hundred brides, grooms and their guests that were there seemed to truly be having a great time. In between the food, the drinks, and the rocking music from the DJ and the live band, it was a smashing hit.




So if you were not among us during the festivities, don’t fret we got you covered.  We had the pleasure of chatting with some of them in between the dance party and they are waiting to answer any of your questions.

So head over to the Wedding Crashers Fair website and see the list of great vendors.

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