The Marriage According to Him

Michele Gigli, reflecting on 25 years of marriage, offers a candid perspective on the institution. Initially not on his agenda, he found himself tying the knot at 22. Marriage, he opines, is about finding the right person and embracing the changes they bring. For Michele, it was a gradual realization, marked by shared experiences and deeper understanding. Challenges, like the loss of his mother shortly after the wedding, tested their bond, yet they emerged stronger. Michele emphasizes the importance of communication, friendship, and a hint of spontaneity in sustaining a marriage. While hurdles exist, navigating them together strengthens the relationship. His advice to prospective grooms? Don’t hesitate, but choose wisely. With the right partner, obstacles become surmountable, and every day holds the promise of shared laughter and love. Michele’s story encapsulates the essence of marriage: a journey of growth, resilience, and unwavering companionship.

Michele, did you dream of marriage?

Sincerely no, it wasn’t on my plan, because I am generally supposed to get married later than 22 years old. But when you meet the right person, or who is supposed to be the right one, everything changes.

What was your view of marriage?  

I always believed in marriage, in the opportunity to create a family, but I was in no hurry to get married.

When did you know you wanted to marry me?

“After all this time I don’t remember”, but I’m joking. Day by day, spending time together, getting to know each other better, I understood it was the time to take this decision and open a new chapter of our life. Some risks have to be taken!

What has been the most challenging part of your marriage? 

It was really in the beginning, because my mom was very sick and young, 48 years old, and after 6 months after our wedding she passed away, and we had some problems with my family…but fortunately this is past history.

What have been the challenges?  

iur challenges were general things couples go through starting a new life together.  But we still have fun. My passion for motorbikes and racing may have been a major challenge. Since I was 4 years old I have been passionate about it and I asked my dad for my first motorbike, but he didn’t listen to me. Now when I can with friends we go racing and every time I go it doesn’t make you  happy, that’s my only vice, but nobody is perfect!

What would you recommend for men thinking of getting married?

Don’t hesitate, with the right person, even if you can meet some obstacles, you will find a solution together. For me, for us,  it is very important to spend time together, talk and laugh together, be good friends and have a little dose of madness. Of course, we also need our space.

Complexity is inevitable in a relationship and recognizing that  is very important, in this regard one of the best compliments we receive from friends about our relationship is  “you look like a couple of lovers”.

Simply enjoy each  day of your marriage and all your days together.

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