Bouquet Full of Love


Flowers as we know serve many purposes in our lives. Some flowers are for medicinal purposes whereas others are deadly to the touch; while flowers can serve as a peace offering to an occasion, for a bride she wouldn’t dream of having her wedding without flowers.

But in these series of articles on flowers, we will be focusing on the symbol flowers will serve for those who are getting married.

How does one select the flower for such a joyous occasion? Some tips to consider:

Know names of flowers
Know something about the plant, and its natural purpose to the environment since it will be setting the tone of your occasion.

Most Popular:

Calla Lilies
Baby’s breaths
Pick your colors, the color of your wedding theme can also be translated into your flower of choice.

Examples of flowers that come in various colors are:

Calla Lilies

Scent is everything, it can serve as an aphrodisiac or a repellent to some people especially if they have allergies.

The last but not least is cost. This will play a major factor in your choice because based on region and season, you may have to import them and that will be costly.

But thank goodness for you we found some experts we would love to recommend you call when you’re ready to select your bouquet of flowers and your event design for your wedding.



It’s always better to deal with the experts.

So we caught up with one of our favorite artists that I like to refer our readers to—Tom Sakas, owner of Gramercy Park Flower Shop. As you all know I am a stickler for customer service so prior to this interview, I visited their New York boutique at one of my favorite hot spots The Plaza Hotel in the lower level. The expert treatment was everything I expected and more. So when calling to schedule this interview it was no surprise when his staff continued to impress me with their eagerness to help. And trust me, it wasn’t until after our great conversation did I identify myself as a writer for WBM. So that speaks volumes. The desire to serve others and give great customer care is authentic with them.

When selecting your flowers what are some of the key things one should think about? (season, price, color)

“Aside from color, price and season, when selecting flowers, the first thing to know from the bride or groom is the general feeling of the wedding and what feeling the flowers should convey.”


Should I be concerned about matching my dress, garments with my flower selection?

“The most important item for the wedding is the bride’s bouquet. The bride will be in the most important photos and will be seen for a forever keepsake. Groom’s boutonniere is designed to match bouquet. When choosing flowers for the bridal bouquet one should be mindful of the color elements in the dress and especially make-up color/tones. For example, if the bride chooses a dark red bouquet, lipstick color should be complementary. Same as if the bride chooses a blush pink bouquet, it would look rather off balance in photos if the bride was wearing dark red lipstick with her blush pink bouquet. These are just a few things to go over with a bride when choosing the perfect bouquet. The bridal party will be determined after the bride picks her desired design.”


What determines price?

“The time of year, the importance of the flowers at the wedding, the type of flowers that are selected and budget are all determining factors when calculating a price point.”


How soon should I place my orders for my flowers?

”I suggest 2–6 month before your wedding is the average time to order flowers and gives enough time to make any needed changes.”

So there you have it from the expert. Before you decide who will be delivering your flowers, you may want to give Gramercy Park Shop a visit. Ask for Cassandra Held, and tell them World Bride Magazine sent you… Happy shopping.

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