Wesley Oaks
Wesley describes himself as a complete. Wesley goes on to describes his journey becoming a wedding adviser while planning his wedding: I am introvert and when I proposed to my wife I didn't think about all the social interaction involved, hard work, and having to give a speech. Needless to say I dreaded all of this and it had me sweating but I was doing it for my wife. As an introvert, I really tried to figure out what I "had to do". What parts of the wedding should I be most involved in because if it involved something that worries me I wanted time to prepare myself. I didn't find anything helpful and had to make my own guide which is now in one of my posts for a "grooms guide to weddings". I hope that my experience turned knowledge can help another man out there getting married.
This post is from Wesley over at iManscape. If you’d like to see his other posts please visit his website.