Your Themed Wedding Inspired by The Met Gala

The Met Gala is the fashion party of the year that many may forget the purpose of the actual event.  It is a fundraising gala that her Royal Highness of Fashion Anna Wintour throws each year to help the Metropolitan Museum raise millions of dollars to contribute to the educational aspect of this great establishment.  Oh yes, it has a purpose.



Now, why do we care as a bridal magazine?  Simply put– we at WBM are inspired by anything fashion related.  But to be more specific– the Met Gala is the only soiree outside of Holloween we know allows guests to attend a function of this magnitude giving their guest permission to come in character.

That in itself can be very inspiring for couples planning their wedding.  This past winter my daughter tied the knot and was inspired and excited to have herself a themed wedding– Harlem Renaissance inspired.  It was magnificent.  Just to simply see the excitement of the guests dressing for the occasion brought us great pleasure.  They were given instructions of the theme and they came fabulously attired.




The Met Gala does that every year.  So for all of you wonderful brides planning your nuptials.  Why not get your inspiration from the Met Gala and select a theme that will excite your guests as much as the celebs of the fashion, Hollywood, and music industry get to enjoy.

Here are some of our favorites this year.



Guests Concern– Disclaimer

Don’t worry about out doing the bride– she is secure with herself to know that she can bring it and the people invited to the wedding– she knows what they are capable of.  She knows all too well the wedding pictures are going to be nothing less than perfection.






Tips for having a theme wedding

So once you and your beloved decide on the theme of your wedding.  Make sure you convey that to your guests giving them ample time to plan out their budget and to start the fashion hunt.

Give photo examples for references.  Don’t leave it to their imagination.  Don’t assume they are going to “google it”.

Be realistic– think about the age and audience before you finalize your decision.  Don’t forget– this will all be documented FOREVER.  Make sure this is how you want to remember your wedding and your guests.

But most of all get the right wedding planner who is going to help you execute your wedding, reception theme that will be precisely the way you want it.

Calculate a budget for expenses that you will have to invest in– decor, invitation (that will set the tone) and food and drinks may be a part of the process too.

But most of all have fun–make it memorable.


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