Using Love Intelligence to Organize the Perfect Wedding


Using Love Intelligence to Organize the Perfect Wedding


Dear Beautiful YOU

This is LOVE INTELLIGENCE speaking.

“Who is this?” I hear you ask.

Well… I am the small loving voice of wisdom that resides within you!

I have come to you so that your dreams of an ideal wedding and the journey leading up to that wonderful day is as stress-free and exciting as intended.

I am your inner guidance helping you to cope with difficulties and to remind you to tap into your sense of calm and peace whenever you most need me.

I have observed recently the moments when you have struggled to make a decision due to fear, anxiety, irritation or shame. These feelings can be uncomfortable and are often attached to unhelpful thoughts and limiting beliefs. At times, they have provided wonderful life lessons as a gift to you. On other occasions, your happiness has been blocked. I wish what you wish for, and that is for you to design and organize the perfect wedding day.

I also hear your deepest desires and that is to continue enjoying all of the wedding activities towards your big day and thereafter — for you and your loving partner.

This is instead of you trying to combat potential problems by doing everything alone or getting annoyed as well as frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed with yourself, your partner, the wedding planner and significant others.

So now is the time to reconnect with me once more. The small voice of intuitive wisdom that is Love Intelligence inside of you — (that is you) and is all-knowing.

Please remember Beautiful YOU that problems will always arise. Either way, this is yet another earth journey calling upon you to listen to your inner guidance. To cope best and make decisions that fit with who you are. To communicate from a loving perspective and to feel good about the version of who you are becoming as a person that is entering a new phase in your life journey.

This moment is to be enjoyed. You and your partner are special. Treasure the moments together. Continue being happy and excited as you approach your wedding day and enter into marriage. Love Intelligence will always be here for you. Relax in the sure faith that everything is going to plan.


So here’s what you can do to access and deepen the connection to me when you need me.

Please remember that it does not matter where or when you access me, but it does matter HOW you tap into me. My voice is small among the chatter of your mind and the outside experiences that you have everyday. So you need to listen intently.

I will provide guidance in any format (words, images, feelings, people) to help you make the decision that makes the difference; for you to feel a sense of knowing; to have the ‘aha’ moments of inspiration and for the oozing of love vibrations to be expressed through the lens of your caring heart and smiles.

So let us begin with one of many ways in which to access Love Intelligence.

 1. Begin by finding a place that makes you feel great (such as an open/outdoor space, e.g., nature or your bedroom offering privacy).

2. Use accessories to trigger the emotion of well-being (such as playing music or sitting in silence).

3. And connect with me by connecting with your body (it’s best to close your eyes but you don’t have to) and notice what is going on inside your body.

4. Take a few deep breaths inhaling and exhaling as deeply as possible until you feel totally relaxed. Focus on your breathing.

5. Stay still.

6. Silently try to quiet your mind in whichever way works for you. This will help you to increase your intuitive awareness.

7. Become settled and stay in this feeling for a while.

8. Feel the peace, calm and relaxation.

9. This is the time to offer a problem that is most important to you to resolve. Give this question to me and listen for the answer — patiently.

10. You will know and trust when you receive the answer(s) or solution(s). It will feel ‘right’ although you may second guess yourself in applying it.

To avoid second guessing, you will need to follow my advice which requires faith, trust and confidence. You have all of these qualities so try not to worry.

If you need any support — intuitively ask the person you know is the ‘right’ person to help you organize your wedding and to enjoy the journey with you.

Now… go and enjoy your wedding day and give my love to your partner.

With love from my heart to your heart.

Fond Regards

Love Intelligence



About the editor: Gwen Cover is a Life Design Friend, driven by her intuition to enrich her life and her clients with fulfilling, creative and adventurous experiences. Cover currently resides in England and runs a successful business that seeks to enhance the life of others called the Life Design Salon.
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