Viktor and Rolf and their spectacular show at the BBFW 2022

As in every show at the Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week, this runway has been spectacular. All dresses have followed the typical Viktor and Rolf aesthetics and essence. And of course volume in gowns were a must in most designs we saw.

After graduating as a fashion designer, I took several courses to specialize myself in different areas. Among them, there was one, which I did before moving to Barcelona, that I really enjoyed in “Fashion Styling and Production”. While doing it, I obviously had all kinds of different special projects to make, but the one I remember enjoying the most was the final one. This project was about creating a special styling for a specific luxury brand, following their aesthetic guidelines but adding an oriental influence theme. In my case, my teacher assigned Viktor and Rolf as my “clients”…so, as you may imagine, this is how I felt in love with the brand.  After this final project I started following the brand with special love for ever.

For me, it is always interesting to research about different brands, designers, and their styles; but those who have this much content are my favorite. I have always admired how Viktor and Rolf generate and work volume in each design. It is definitely a brand that always surprises their followers and customers with each show.

The runway

This edition of the Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week brought me two rewards that I did not expect. The first surprise I got was being able to meet Myrdith (WBM´s Editor) in person for the first time after working together remotely for several years. The second one, of course, was having this huge opportunity to enjoy a show as exclusive as Viktor and Rolf’s. If someone had told me a few years ago while I was taking that styling course that one day I would be sitting in one of their shows covering it for an American magazine, I would not have believed it. Therefore I will be forever grateful to have the privilege of being there.

My favorite details have been the puffed sleeves similar to the ones on Lady Diana’s wedding dress but also there was another dress with volume over the model shoulders that was supported by a perfect corsetry. If you see that dress from the side, it seems to be floating all over the model’s body.

The Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week has been so special this year that I can’t wait to see how they will manage to surprise us in their next edition!

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