Discovering Amsterdam for the first time

While saying goodbye to Amsterdam, I had the same feeling as leaving New York; a feeling of having missed things like knowing more streets, shops, walks, experiences…. The feeling that every time I return, I will experience it from a different perspective.

As it was my first visit to the city, I was glad to capture the energy of the place. I have managed to survive the bicycle traffic since it was impossible for me to discover the logic of how it works. The bicycles go like a swarm to one side and to the other, and in the background there is always a bell asking you to move!

Flowers and more flowers!

It is fascinating to see the thousands and thousands of pots, plants and flowers. Houses and shops are always overflowing with flowers. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see their famous tulip fields, but I was able to buy bulbs at their famous flower market.

This flower market is a must if you visit Amsterdam! It is a street with shops, one next to the other, where you can get different varieties of plants in their different versions: seeds, bulbs or already in pots.

My advice, if you buy bulbs or seeds, is to write the name of the species on each package because when you return home it is very difficult to tell them apart.

Anne Frank House

The Anne Frank House is a point where it is impossible not to stop and think. I don’t know if it is always like this, but the day I went to visit her house, people remained silent and very respectful while they took their photos. If I were to compare Amsterdam with NYC again, it would be a similar feeling to the one experienced at Ground Zero.

Coffee shops

If there is something that I love to do in each place, it is to taste the food and watch the people go by. This time, coffee shops have been my favorites. Their pastries, waffles and chocolates are from another world! My best plan for those days of extreme walking was to sit from time to time to rest in coffee stores to watch bikes and people go by. I find that fashion in Amsterdam is super interesting and vibrant. They have unique trends, colors and energy everywhere.


A few kilometers from Amsterdam is a small town called Haarlem. I suggest anyone who can, to visit it. It is almost as beautiful as Amsterdam but smaller and more manageable. It has a super interesting historic center full of young people living their lives outside the tourist circuit. At night I saw lots of parties and big dinners taking place on every corner. Large groups of people laughing and drinking. You can breathe a very special energy there, it has the same Amsterdam charm but for insiders!

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