Fresh out of my little bag of tricks….

So I tend to have both oily and sensitive skin, not the greatest combination for long summer days in New York City. Just when I started to reach my ultimate boiling point and my stress factor went way up I remembered a tried and true favorite of mine that had cleaned up messy breakouts before and had been recommended to me by my former dermatologist many times, Purpose Gentle Cleansing Bar. Its the perfect cleanser for sensitive dolls because its soap-free, non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, ultra gentle and smells fresh. Its an effective step of a daily facial regimen and its actually quite cheap!



Purpose Gentle Cleansing Bar  6.0 oz $3.99 (CVS pharmacy)


I picked a bar up on my journey home today and lathered the cleanser onto my face and removed any dead skin and residue there was with a light exfoliating glove as soon as I got home. I must say my skin feels cleaner and looks smoother already. 



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