Each culture has its own beauty regime that is passed on for generations. Latin culture is not any different. As we make it our goal to educate ourselves about as many cultures as possible, living in the U.S., the fashion and beauty capital of the world, makes things quite simple. To help prepare you for a Latin inspired wedding, World Bride Magazine wants to help you keep up with the best Latin grooming brands so you can look your best. We have compiled a list of the Top 10 Latin-Inspired Grooming Brands: Under The Radar.
1. De La Cruz:
Affordable, Drugstore.com
This American health and beauty brand got its start in L.A., marketing to the Hispanic community. It sells salves, essential and moisturizing oils, masks, creams and even medicine. Use this brand’s products to help your skin look its best on your wedding day.
2. Tio Nacho:
Affordable, Target.com
This Mexican company creates assorted products; hair care products including shampoo, conditioner, hair lighteners, hair strengtheners and voluminizers. Tio Nacho’s hair products aides in the prevention of hair loss, promotes hair growth and adds shine. If you have any issues with your hair this brand will have a product for you.
3. Activate Beauty Inc.:
Affordable, ActivateBeauty.com
Activate Beauty is an American brand focusing on an assortment of hair and beauty products for Hispanic women including: hydration, hair repair and products that develops curls or straightens. Look for this brand to make sure you have a great hair day on your wedding day.
4. Natura:
Moderate, NaturaBrasil.fr/en
Natura is the number one Brazilian beauty brand producing hair products, perfumes, soaps, exfoliates, moisturizers and makeup. With this brand you can look your best in every department.
5. Crece Pelo:
Moderate, DominicanHairCare.com
This brand is made by a Dominican company that produces hair products with plant-based ingredients. It repairs and conditions the hair, helping it to grow strong. Want super soft and healthy hair for your wedding day? Try out this brand.
6. Vitacilina:
Affordable, Walgreens.com
This Mexican ointment is basically like petroleum jelly except it contains retinol. You can use this product for minor scrapes, cuts and as a lip balm. Some people even use it to help treat acne or even help reduce minor wrinkles. Grab this if you find yourself with an overnight blemish or in need of some lip balm.
7. La Plancha:
Affordable, DominicanHairCare.com
This Dominican brand produces hair care products that help clean, strengthen and reconstruct your hair. La Plancha also has leave-in conditioners and heat protectants. Reach for these products to strengthen your hair before your wedding day.
8. O’ Boticário:
Moderate, Boticario.com.br
This brand is made in Brazil, producing a large array of beauty products. Its products consist of bath salts, perfumes, lotions, creams and makeup. This brand even features male products. Pamper yourself with some of these beauty products.
9. Mirta de Perales:
Affordable, Mirtadeperales.us
Mirta de Perales is a Cuban-based beauty brand selling hair and skin care products made from natural, raw materials. Its products are also sodium sulfate, alcohol and formaldehyde free. Use these natural products to achieve great looking hair and skin.
10. Seda:
Affordable, Sannas.jp/en
Seda is a Brazilian hair care brand with a large variety of shampoos and conditioners. Some of its hair care series include: “Moderate Curls Series,” “Structural Reconstruction” and “After Straightening Series.” Seek out one of this brand’s hair care series to treat your hair.
If you haven’t heard of any of these brands, make sure to go out and try them out!