The 10 Greatest Places to Get Married in France

©Manuel Meszarovits International Wedding Photojournalist |

France… [frăns]… Just whispering this word exudes glamour, trend and romanticism.

In France, the wedding venue options are unlimited. Whatever wedding plans you have in mind, they can happen here. France is the ultimate place to get married.

You will find castles, rustic farms, incredible white sandy beaches, and fields of olives trees and lavender. There are amazing cities with architectural treasures, and genuine small villages where the villagers display their pure sense of hospitality. And let’s not forget the ski resorts… this is the land for every wedding possibilities.

If you are not inspired today, just see what follows in this article… I am pretty sure you will find YOUR greatest place among these 10 greatest places to get married in France.

With courtesy of great photographers: Cecile Creiche | Tiara Photographie | Antoine Morfaux | Clement Minair | Trois Studios Photography | Thibault Chappe | Sabine Desprats Bologna | Llum Photographie | Flavio Bandiera | Manuel Meszarovits | Ela & The Poppies


For a French History Wedding: Les Chateaux de la Loire – Castles

How can we imagine a classy wedding in France without a castle? Castles are a great part of the history and culture of France. The main advantage to get married in a castle is that you can plan a large wedding, with as many guests as you desire. The spaces are wide, and the surroundings abounds in accommodations.

Chateau Challain is one of these. Cynthia Nicholson and her devoted team will welcome you. Visit their website at

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10 greatest places to get married in France
©Flavio.Bandiera |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Flavio.Bandiera |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Flavio.Bandiera |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Flavio.Bandiera |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Flavio.Bandiera |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Flavio.Bandiera |

For an Outdoor Wedding: Provence with Les Alpilles and Le Lubéron

What is more exciting than an outdoor wedding? Boasting with perfect weather, the South of France has been blessed by the gods and is the superb place to get married. From April to October, everything is about enchantment. The light… the scents… the culture… the Dolce Vita.

Among the stream of incredible and pretty lovely villages and areas that exists in Provence, take time to discover famous villages such as Roussillon in Lubéron or Saint Rémy de Provence in Les Alpilles. Time stops there. This is a great opportunity to live a memorable experience.

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10 greatest places to get married in France
©Cecile Creiche Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Cecile Creiche Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Cecile Creiche Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Tiara Photographie |

For an Urban Wedding: Paris and Toulouse

Urban Wedding… one of my favorite options for a wedding creation. Creating an urban wedding full of glamour, modernity and sharing is always a great challenge that I love to meet.

Urban wedding basics have famous and well-known places with a wide choice of damaged decor, and never-ending streets filled with outlandish spectators around you. Let’s embrace your urban wedding in France!

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10 greatest places to get married in France
©Cecile Creiche Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Cecile Creiche Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Tiara Photographie |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Clement Minair Photographe |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Sabine Desprats-Bologna
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Sabine Desprats-Bologna

For a Contemporary Wedding: Lyon 

Lyon is the third largest city of France. And what is amazing about this city of gastronomy is that culture is everywhere: modern museum, stunning architectural buildings, new areas between the old-city, with impressive buildings. In Lyon, you can find everything that is also in Paris, with the advantage of a small city setting. So easy to commute!

You have colors, extraordinary rows of buildings… but everything is charming—churches, rental spaces. And you will find a great community of wedding entrepreneurs in Lyon.

Funny Tips: Ask a citizen of Lyon if he/she could live somewhere else: “For sure not! Why? I was born here, I can study here, I can get married, and I can build a career here. I can live here forever. Definitely!—Lison, a citizen of Lyon.″

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10 greatest places to get married in France
©Cecile Creiche Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Cecile Creiche Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Cecile Creiche Photography |


For a Classy Wedding: Burgundy

Burgundy has lots to offer the classy couple: Wine. Castles. Colorful roofs. Gastronomy.

Chateau de Santenay (the photos below) is a small castle that is open 365 days a year. This castle is a very important part of the history of the Burgundian region—and still is today.

As an amazing region that produces its own wine, Burgundy and its castles embrace a wedding full of rich and passionate gastronomy.

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10 greatest places to get married in France
©Antoine Morfaux |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Antoine Morfaux |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Antoine Morfaux |

For a Winter Wedding: The French Alps

Wow. Wow. Wow!

The trend of winter weddings is growing every year. Why is that? Three words: Romantic, different, surprising. The temperatures are freezing. But who cares, the warmth is in the heart!

The French Alps offers the most famous ski-resorts on earth. The good news is that you have a huge number of hotels to secure for your private winter wedding. It may seem fun and simple to organize. But do not fool yourself. Simplicity, it is not. However, the experience is certainly worth it.

And if you dare to go for this, ask your wedding planner to arrange an exclusive chalet in the high mountain, as I did (see the pictures below). Imagine a memorable experience that your guests will never forget—coming down to the resort in private ski lifts.

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10 greatest places to get married in France
©Ela & The Poppies Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Ela & The Poppies Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Ela & The Poppies Photography |


For a Wow-Bling-Wedding: French Riviera

“Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend”… Marilyn Monroe was right! And what better place than the French Riviera to sparkle in your wow wedding? There’s none. The sun shines more than 300 days a year! The Mediterranean Sea is unique and welcoming. The venues are spacious and stunning! Great lights, sparkling brides with amazing bridesmaids.

Definitely. France + bling wedding = The French Riviera

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10 greatest places to get married in France
©Manuel Meszarovits – International Wedding Photojournalist |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Manuel Meszarovits – International Wedding Photojournalist |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Manuel Meszarovits – International Wedding Photojournalist |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Manuel Meszarovits – International Wedding Photojournalist |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Manuel Meszarovits – International Wedding Photojournalist |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Thibault Chappe Photographie |

For a Relaxed Wedding: Brittany and Provence

Brittany and Provence have a common quality: welcoming and sincerity. These two regions are unique and oriented to memorable experiences. The residents are so proud of their cultural roots that they always want to offer you more than expected. You will have the choice of beach weddings (be mindful of the seasons in Brittany), and many traditional houses.

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10 greatest places to get married in France
©Thibault Chappe Photographe |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Thibault Chappe Photographe |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Trois Studios Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Trois Studios Photography |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Trois Studios Photography |


10 greatest places to get married in France
©Tiara Photographie |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Tiara Photographie |
10 greatest places to get married in France
©Tiara Photographie |


How about you: What do you have in mind for your wedding to be?




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