Art & Culture, Arts & Entertainment, Beauty & Fashion, Celebrity Inspired, Concierge List (Vendors), Customs & Traditions, Entertainment, Financial Wellness, Food & Catering, General, Gifting, Health, Invitations, Live Music & DJ, Love & Relationship, Mental Health, music, Myrdith Leon-McCormack, Social Calendar, Social Graces, Venues, WBM Concierge January 8, 2020 January 8, 2020 Kelly Hall-Tompkins – Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul by Stephanie Blake In our culture and other cultures worldwide, the arts are more than an expression, more than influence; it is transcendent. Moreover, access to the…
Flowers & Décor, General, Planning, The Planner, Travel, Venues November 9, 2017 November 9, 2017 The Look Of Love Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder by Carl Nelson A beautiful wedding was held in Montauk, NY. September 16th, 2017 and for everyone who attended, it was special. We, the family, knew…