Kelly Hall-Tompkins – Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul

Kelly Hall-Tompkins- Violinist, Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul Founder

In our culture and other cultures worldwide, the arts are more than an expression, more than influence; it is transcendent. Moreover, access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life. Kelly Hall-Tompkins speaks to having a strong sense of music inside of her. At the tender age of 9, the local orchestra was the most of various influences that ignited a desire to play the violin. As an outlier of classical music, racial issues and biases in her South Carolina upbringing were not effective. Kelly’s vision was colored by the beauty in classical music; not hate and she wanted her peers to see this. Kelly relentlessly pursued her voice in the culture of classical music and is now a world-renowned high-level professional classic violin soloist. Her achievements throughout her career are extraordinary. Kelly studies and speaks 8 languages and has been inducted into the School District Hall of Fame of her native Greenville, South Carolina. Winner of a the Walter W. Naumburg International Violin Competition Honorarium Prize, an Honorary Doctorate from the Manhattan School of Music and a feature in the Smithsonian Museum for African-American History are simply humble mentions. New York Times, BBC Music and Forbes magazines have all shared accolades on Kelly’s mastery as a compelling solo violinist and a trailblazer in social justice. The magnetism in Kelly’s prelude is her commanding this vision as a successful violinist and having everything in her world conform to the decision in bringing it to fruition. Since then, Kelly has purposed her artistry as a classical performer in the direction of social awareness. In a quaint café uptown Manhattan, Kelly and I brunch, talk ironically and appropriately about “Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul”.

“There isn’t anything inherently ethnocentric about [classical] music itself but the culture surrounding it that has obvious monarchical ties to the political structure of Europe and that trickles down to how, who and where the music is heard. I saw the culture and the audience and had no confusions of who I am”. With respect to being a woman and person of color Kelly, expresses “I am not unique because I am a black violinist, I am unique because I am a good violinist. I am following something deep and intrinsic in my blood and in my consciousness and in my inspirations that is fully mine”.

Kelly Hall-Tompkins is the founder, executive/artistic director for Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul. This foundation brings a series of classic music concerts by top artists to New York homeless shelters; people who least have access to classic music. For 15 years Music Kitchen has been successful expressing the entirety and the deepest parts of our humanity through a high level of artistry in music. The audience, for the moment, can transcend their current burdens, imaging life beyond their current circumstance and allow a subconscious healing to take place. This is not just a humble work, nor is it just a courageous act either; it’s a pioneering endeavor. To showcase the efforts of the Music Kitchen concert series the foundation presents, Forgotten Voices’, a group of leading composers who will perform, for one night, all music premiered at the shelters performed over testimonials of shelter members. This is so gripping for me as I share this with you all. As we wrapped up our brunch, a woman eavesdropping on the interview assumed we were in the mental health practice. She remarked how uplifting and healing the conversation was, she couldn’t stop listening. Just like that, Music Kitchen has a new supporter!

Kelly Hall-Tompkins represents a woman of grace, elegance and excellence. Her story ignites strength, passion and a practice that will answer so many of our societal concerns. Supporting her foundation means your contribution to social and moral consciousness, healing our communities and promoting unity. Its no surprise the prestigious concert venue, Carnegie Hall has come alongside Kelly Hall-Tompkins to elevate this message of hope and soul-healing to their audience. My husband and I including our family and friends of World Bride Magazine will be in attendance. You can show support in two ways:

  • Join Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul and World Bride Magazine at Carnegie Hall May 21st for “Date Night”. A night where you and your loved ones can experience a riveting performance, meet the great violinist herself, Kelly Hall-Tompkins and support this social justice cause. See here for information on the show and how to purchase your tickets.
  • Donate to the Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul foundation by selecting the link here.


We are so proud to service you as wedding concierge. We bring you vetted companies and talent that offer a sophisticated product or service that isn’t quite at your reach. Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul and Carnegie Hall share the same attributes that are familiar to our World Bride readers. We value family, community, understand the dignity in a human life and put love into practice. For more information on Kelly Hall-Tompkins, visit and for Music Kitchen-Food for the Soul, visit and be sure to mention WORLD BRIDE MAGAZINE.

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