Le Bouquet Events: Italian Weddings


Are you dreaming about a romantic destination wedding in Italy, but don’t know anyone there nor where to begin? We have found an amazing woman, Carmen Piscina, who owns Le Bouquet Wedding & Event Planner, founded in 2010 and based in Italy.
Located in the Italian Riviera, Le Bouquet organizes wonderful weddings in enchanting sites such as Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Cinque Terre and many more. Carmen and her staff take care of the wedding step by step: “First, our introductory meeting is complimentary, without any obligation via Skpe. We have learned that in our initial meeting we learn a lot about the couple and the couple learns about our company.”
We produce high quality, tailor-made events, each one very personalized according to their individual preferences, budgets and tastes. Because of the high quality standard of the expectation and outcome it is in large part due to the uniqueness of our venue selections. Le Bouquet WP manages and coordinates all the event-related aspects including but not limited to food and beverage, flower arrangements, music, entertainment, and photography service. We pay particular attention to the catering service to ensure the food is always of the highest quality. The couple will be supported by professional wedding planners who can assist the client locally in selecting the best solutions without any stress.

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Le Bouquet listens to your needs, whatever the client’s style—traditional or contemporary, simple or sophisticated, casual or chic—you will have the wedding of your dreams. The staff is present from the morning until the end of your festivities, making sure the entire day runs smoothly.
“I work with a diverse clientele in terms of number of guests, nationality and budget. Normally the couples are professionals, too busy to manage the organization of their wedding, selecting vendors or navigating all the bureaucracy. Generally, they are very demanding people who aim to plan an unforgettable event for everyone. I have many couples coming from UK, Northern Europe, USA and Russia. Although they come from very different countries they all have in common the passion for Italy and Italian culture. Most of them consider getting married in Italy as the fulfillment of a lifetime dream, so they really have great expectations.”

“I think Americans love almost everything about our Country” – Carmen says- “When people from the USA first arrive in Liguria they are usually very impressed by our unique landscapes and colors, the hills that merge the Mediterranean sea, green mountains so close to the beaches, and our typical multi-colored houses facing the blue sea. Then of course they love Italian food, art and history. If you walk in the streets of any Italian city or little village you can see and feel our art and history everywhere. Italy is perfect for every size budget and is sometimes less expensive than the USA.”
Carmen’s clients are from all over the world, and each request is different, but they all leave satisfied. “Most Italians still choose the Catholic rite for their marriage, which means the ceremony must be held in a church with all its specific rules. American couples normally opt for a civil or symbolic rite which can be held in any location, indoors or outdoors, on a beach, or in a castle which can provide more freedom in your decorating options. The timing of our clients’ weddings vary quite a bit, from Italians and American: Some Italians choose to get married on Sunday mornings as per Catholic tradition and then have a day reception in a restaurant. Younger Italians prefer to get married on Saturday or Friday late afternoon and then have a night reception and a party which can go on all night. American couples get married any day of the week at any time. They usually choose to have the ceremony in the afternoon and then have an evening/night reception and a dance party. They often ask for a welcome cocktail party the night before and a brunch the day after the wedding. Most of the time, American couples choose a venue where they can stay over and spend time with family and friends before and after the wedding. Italian weddings also differ from American ones for the role and number of witnesses; bridesmaids: Italian couples normally have two maximum three witnesses each and one or two flower girls who bring vows. American brides usually have six to seven dressed-alike bridesmaids, a groom party of six to seven guys and flower girls.
People are different and make different choices, because of their personality, culture, or nationality. But one thing I know, is that brides take control of the weddings, in all the world! Grooms normally don’t have a clue about what they are doing and thus the brides decide almost everything. I always try to get grooms involved in the decisions so that they feel connected. Some get more involved as the wedding day draws closer. Also, there seems to be certain topics that capture their attention; budget, cocktails and open bar agreements, music and DJ set, jokes and reception menu tasting…!”

Carmen Piscina was born and raised in the Italian Riviera and has always had an attraction for different cultures and foreign countries and loved to travel. At the age of 16 she moved to Houston, Texas, and spent one year as a high school exchange student. This experience provided the opportunity to learn American culture and traditions, while her Italian roots influenced her idea of marriage and weddings. “As an open minded person, I think that marriage and the way couples decide to celebrate it, remains a very personal choice according to their traditions and faith.”
Carmen is a great wedding planner, graduated from IULM University in Milan, with a Master in Marketing Management at Istud Business School, Stresa Italy, with a lot of experience working in several companies in the communications and event planning. “As a woman working in Italy as a wedding planner it is definitely more complicated than in other countries, because todate wedding planning hasn’t been recognized as a career path. While in the last ten years it’s become more popular—in part via television and movies, but the government hasn’t regulated this industry; therefore, be cautious when choosing an Italian wedding planner.


Carmen and her highly qualified staff have broad international experience and are growing annually in staffing and global reach with reliable strategic partners. The great news you can get married in Italy and Le Bouquet can create the wedding of your dreams—large, medium or small, luxurious in exclusive locations or understated on a quiet hillside. “It all depends on the type of wedding the bride and groom have in mind. Le Bouquet can coordinate all or a portion of every element of your celebration weekend and make your dream come true.


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