The wedding industry is calculated to be in the ballpark of the 300 billion dollars. The average couple spends somewhere near $26,000 plus, and that is the just the middle-class audience. Those more in the affluential income level can spend somewhere in the six figures starting at $100k.
While there is a big difference in the spend between both markets–one thing is for sure with you our readers, you are both looking for assistance, inspiration, guidance in planning one of the most important days of your life, and beyond. While there may be countless wedding professionals out there ready to assist you, the saying is very true– you get what you pay for. So finding the right one can be challenging if you don’t know where to search and help you to assess who is qualified to execute your vision.
James Lord is what we called the maestro of a well-curated luxury Bridal show. We know a bridal show, a bunch of businesses placed in a ballroom pushing their business on to already confused couples trying to plan the party of their life. This is absolutely nothing like it.
Lord and his team are very selective with the vendors that are “invited” to participate in his well-curated shows. They are five stars and above rated by their peers and past clients.
Bridelux is touching on a seven-yr mark since launching in 2013 and getting stronger. It is the only luxury show of its kind that engages both vendors and consumers in tow parts of the world– The United States and England and both hosted in each region’s luxury hotels.
We caught up with James Lord and had an opportunity to interview him.
What lead you into this business? Why the wedding industry?
I’ve actually been in weddings for over 20 years (after I got married). Initially running wedding planning companies and then I moved to becoming a wedding media owner a few years back. It is important that I have first hand knowledge of the industry we are the media brand in. Often especially with conferences and trade shows this isn’t the case. The wedding industry is unique and that is why I like it. Using a wedding supplier isn’t a discretionary purchase. You need it when you need it. Like a knee surgeon, lawyer, funeral director, etc. The difference with weddings is that we deal with a positive situation. Its fact it more than positive, it’s the best day of your life. It is also a stable industry. The amount of weddings remains fairly constant irrespective of the state of the economy so there is always demand. On the downside, you cannot grow the market and there’s no repeat business so it truly is a unique industry to be in.
What services do you provide that make you unique to your benchmarks (other bridal emporium or expos?
Simply one word which is the core of the Bridelux brand: ‘curation’. Everything is considered with an aesthetic eye.
What is the business philosophy you would like us to share with our subscribers?
Do what you love and success will follow.
Have you identified who your clientele is? If so describe their traits?
We have two types of clientele. Firstly couples who have a discerning eye and a budget at the higher end of the scale. Secondly, wedding suppliers who service these couples.
Identify the qualities of the brands your company would consider marketing for your shows and conferences?

What are your practical strategies for success?
Keep it simple, stylish. Attract attention. Don’t take yourself or others too seriously.

What are the evident results that have proven this success?
The industry tells me that our shows are the best they have ever seen the world over. Peer respect is paramount.
What advice can you offer our subscribers who are looking to ‘create a memorable experience that is timeless and enjoyable for them and their guests’?
Work with the right people and push them to deliver (but not too hard).

Share a challenge you encountered at any point in putting on a show/conference and how you addressed it.
It’s rather a continuous challenge rather than a specific one. The challenge of continually having to create a different environment with brands that are both an improvement on the one before and maintaining the level off quality. It is the easy option to accept a lowering of quality and it a challenge to continue to say no this isn’t Bridelux.

If you are in the planning stage of your upcoming nuptials we highly recommend you attend one of BrideLux‘s soirees and find your way through what promises to be an exciting experience.
For upcoming shows for those of you in England please make your way to the following:
May Fair Hotel,
The Savoy, Savoy Place London