Tales Under The Sun

There is nothing new under the sun. Hours have turned to days for centuries. This earth carries a wealth of information hidden deep within its core. Many people who have come before have gathered copious amounts of information over time. Accordingly, the application of the best parts of what has already been offered is wisdom. Exploring this concept further, the greatest offering within the earth comes from the people who have inhabited it and their experiences. Recognize that our greatest resource comes from within each other. Stories, creative spaces we share, we live and believe hold vast amounts of theory, investigation, trial and error, and knowledge for us to partake. Using it as a guide moves both our mental and physical states into a future where we are able to govern best the greatest human asset; our character. Love and marriage are not obsolete in this but may hold greater weight since the ideas of two are now becoming unified in the foundation as well as thought. What should the character of marriage and relationship on a whole look like, feel like, sound like, live like?

What has the earth offered to us in regards to this form of thought? What imprint has the inner man and woman left behind for us to draw from? In my humble opinion we have seen a variety of marriage templates modeled for us. I will leave this part for you to decide which ideas and experiences fit your agreement. However, do not shy away from coupling wisdom with creation. Life is meant to be explored, relationships desire adventure also stimulation; whatever we put in is what comes out. We’ll circle back in a moment, for now let’s examine some more concrete foundations by an author of variant perspectives.

The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz, hones in on four monumental foundational truths that we could carry in every aspect of life. These four agreements embody wisdom, freedom from limiting beliefs. The first agreement: Be impeccable with your word. Second agreement: Don’t take anything personally. Third agreement: Don’t make assumptions. Fourth agreement: Always do your best. The idea is to use that which works and apply it forward. These four principles only serve as a benefit to the human experience amongst each other and most certainly with ourselves. A life that is self governed lends itself to being molded forming into its greatest potential. This potential is then returned to the soul rooting it to spiritual bonds that have been matured. Freedom unparalleled exists far beyond anything we believe now. Our character is a marker for the first level of that journey. There is no need to rewrite the script as they say only to observe and adjust accordingly.

Now that we have our structure on which to build on, it’s your turn to add to these. Revisit the above question on your vision for the character of marriage. Create a template that fits your desired outcome and share your thoughts with us. This community only flourishes when we share as it helps us to grow into the best versions as individuals and together.

Artwork: Vincent van Gogh, The Old Tower in the Fields.

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