Say Yes To The Dress With Pnina Tornai

Why say yes to the dress by Pnina Tornai. Her story will move you and her passion excite you. Join us in a fun conversation with one of our favorite designers. One of the most important dresses a woman will wear in her life–why does it matter?

There are a plethora of options out there when it comes to selecting your weddings dress. How does one go about selecting “the” dress with so much to choose from? Remember this, the choice is yours. You will be influenced by social media, fashion magazines, and a variety of media platforms on who you will deem to be the designer for right you. You will feel compelled to investigate their brand. I believe when one knows the face and the story behind the brand–you form some sort of attachment to whatever products they are “pushing”. After all, they are in business and in order to stay in business they must have revenue coming in. Your bridal dress designer is no different than your favorite celebrity such as Rihanna selling Fenty. From my perspective, Pnina is totally invested in her own product and seems to be designing for the women she is selling to.

After being married three times, she admits she designed her own dresses. So like RiRi, she is a fan of her own products and they are both very hands-on. We got the behind the scene low-down, David is the favorite husband. She admits she is a ball gown bride and loves a great party gown.

But for the sake of this article, we know many of you are obsessed with “Say Yes to the Dress” on TLC, so we were truly excited when Kleinfeld contacted us to interview Pnina during her trunk show in the boutique. As we entered into the space, temperature–checked. Hand sanitized–checked. The waiting room was filled, seating was COVID-separated. Can you believe it? How things have changed–the average business must think past themselves nowadays to safely experience what we used to take for granted–simple interactions and human touch. Kleinfeld is not risking this at all. They are taking all the necessary steps to ensure the safety of their guests.

Kleinfeld is reported to be one of the largest bridal boutiques in the industry with a wedding library list of designers that can satisfy any bride. The list of international designers is pretty extensive. The reason for that is obvious. They want you as a bride to find your dream dress at their establishment. But the reality is in a city such as New York, there are countless options to shop for your dress and every woman has different needs.

Kleinfeld knows their audience, they curate their gown selections and accessory selections to that woman and her needs. So when you walk in there you’re going to know exactly what you are in for–lights camera action.

Saying Yes to Pnina Tornai

Pnina Tourna is a brand all by herself. She is filled with life and spirit. She is welcoming, warm and her spirit is contagious. She is family-oriented, and a smart businesswoman. She loves her family and is proud of them and they bring her joy. She is loyal to her friends and family. So with her home life in place, it is simply wonderful watching her throw herself at her work and her creations. She revealed to us about her partnership with Jared and creating her jewelry line, the next chapter of her fashion career. We were excited about her and her accomplishments.

Each design from her dresses to her jewelry she views as “gifts from God” says Pnina, and her goal is to share it with her fans who purchase her dresses or her mentorship to the next generation of up-and-coming designers.

When shopping for your dress your first thought should not be of the cost–in the sense that, it is not how expensive the item is that should attract you. But, will it make you feel beautiful? How was your experience? How does the dress make you feel when you are in it? And how do you look in it? Does it compliment your body? Does it fit the aesthetic of your venue and theme? Pay attention to the details. Contrary to what some may think, details do matter. Look around you, in God’s creation–the flowers, the beauty of the mountains, the waves of the ocean–the variety in colors they come in, from pale blue waters to deep blue seas. It is all in the details.

But one of the most important things to keep in mind is your budget. Know your budget. Plan accordingly. There is a scripture that tells us–“…who of you wanting to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense to see if he has enough to complete it?..” Luke 14:28. This applies when planning your wedding. Do not simply be driven by impulses. When you look back at your wedding you want to be able to look back on it with joy having fond memories.

Happy shopping. Enjoy our conversation.

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