The heart, such an intricate and delicate organ. Without it, nothing else in the body works. We could replace and even live without some organs happy healthy lives except when it comes to matters of the heart.
Our hearts now become the power source of our lives. Shaping it are our beliefs, faith, love for self that resonates with others. This small powerful organ is the engine by which we run through this life.
I know that we could all desire the best for one another but the truth is when the heart, our engine, is poisoned by traumatic experiences wounds are left. Imagine a world where we are able to discern the hearts of people even before we see their physical.
How much more sensitive and cautious would you be with engaging others?
As a discerner of the heart, we see past the superficial things that really do no matter. For, in fact, those same matters cannot sustain marriages and relationships of any kind. A discerner of the heart can see through to the beauty and is pleased with how we treat one another. A more practical example is receiving a phone call on your birthday from a past acquaintance just because it popped up on their phone. Someone who thought to give you a ring just to say enjoy your day. No business in between, nothing received on their end. This heart is a giver and knows how to reciprocate.
We ask for the best in others but perhaps our hearts are beguiled by so much of the superficial that we lose eyes to see the heart. Single women and men, married couples, familial relationships being a discerner of the heart has no barrier or limitations. Connecting with hearts that are ready to receive, that are open, and reciprocate is pure joy daily. This is happiness which I believe is the true sustainer of our delicate engine, the heart. With this same principle engaging a potential date is different taking us from the outer appearance to more matters of substance. Immediately we would be able to see those details of a person’s character and integrity. So evident are traits we look over, gazing with infatuation through filtered social media eyes. Ask yourself how many connections could you have avoided if you discerned rightly the heart of this person?
So, while we are searching for love, more abundant lives full of adventure and simple pleasures let us move into a space where we use discernment. If you lack then all you need to do is ask. I am positive that no requests go unanswered when we speak with an open heart.
This is a place where we grow stronger and wiser when we share. So as always comment below and share with a friend.