Marriage Retreat In A Box

Summer is officially here and wedding season is sure to spike. Pre-pandemic companies were forced to engage customers in a whole new way. Box subscriptions became the new wave and the wedding sector has not missed one beat. Business partners Dr. Corey Jamison and Julie Bush formulated a DIY Marriage Retreat In A Box. This kit features guidebooks, stimulating note cards that encourage fun conversation, and endless nights of communication builders.

How can your marriage benefit from this DIY Marriage Retreat In A Box?
Separate from personal wants when we sign up for a relationship I believe that some of us overlook the fine print statement that says, I will get to know this person as a whole individual. Each person within a relationship has a manner in which they convey comfortably their thoughts. Sometimes it may not always be palatable to the receiver. Feelings of awkwardness and insecurity then linger. A wall is then created hindering how we express ourselves to one another.

The pandemic gave us all long moments of looking at our self-expression, acceptance, and tolerance. Many did not like the mirrored image. Being forced to sit authentically and engage one another quickly became the new normal.

It was my distinct pleasure to speak with these ladies on everything from divorce to new love, blended families, and self authenticity. Their collaboration birthed an in-home kit with conversational starter cards grounded in substance yet fun. The questions posed on the card are specific and direct. A guided tour that moves away from awkwardness and into a flow palatable for each person. The step-by-step guidebook included takes each partner from practical to actionable.

Marriage Retreat Guidebook

Dr. Jamison and Julie Bush wanted to ensure that the subscribed users benefited in the area of marriage. However, the steps needed to navigate a healthy successful marriage are quite the same in everyday interaction with one another. How are we able to authentically translate who we are is the best way to ensure that we attract exactly what we want and desire from others.

Practicing with consistency effective communication skills pre-relationships of all kinds will strengthen our ability to do it within any partnership. Whether to end or begin as we encounter the various phases of life.

Trust but verify is my motto, the DIY Marriage Retreat In A Box, is for the living single or married with children crew. All contents can be found at, . Use it tell us about your experience. A community that shares definitely grows stronger and wiser. Be sure to stay tuned for interviews and more in-depth conversations with these ladies.

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