In anticipation of the gift we allow our body to endure the pressures. The agony in waiting and pushing then pushing and waiting in pain. So unbelievable that all of the endured pain instantaneously vanishes once the gift finally emerges. We are all living our own versions of labor and birthing. The agony is that for the great majority of us our labor has lasted some years spanning even decades. Marathons of trying to shed the old mind frame whilst looking for new horizons on which to gaze. What seems to be the main factor for this stunted labor is the inability to step away from what has formed our very existence. Beginning from infancy to this present moment every experience is filtered through a system of beliefs that were passed down from within our environments. As we move through the days there is a constant filter source that subconsciously weighs in on our moments. It being the subconscious, asks can we trust this person, this moment, this connection. It compares past moments that have similarity to present ones. Sometimes as warnings to steer the individual away. However, in most cases as a protection mechanism the subconscious aspires to shield the inner child from reliving any similar hurtful experiences.
Never like before has there been an awareness for mental health on various levels. The hope of healthy well-being for the mass majority is mainstream. With that said being open to the process can be very painful. In full transparency I have recognized for myself that it is okay to seek therapy. Taking a firm stance in making sure that I am actively engaged in my own well-being mentally, physically and spiritually. Therapy has allowed me to process hurtful truths but with a new lens. With a new perspective I am able to objectively review the facts of both former and present environments making healthy adjustments. Giving my subconscious a new way in which to view the inevitable of my life. Objectively being able to see without internalizing will aid in making better decisions and process of emotions. Permit the labor and birth the most beautiful pain a life full of the good stuff you so desperately desire.
In every scenario the goal is healthy communication. Engaging marriage in this mind frame will help with the adjustments that couples often have to make. It is the key expression that nurtures not only growth but the needs of all parties. Development of this skill early on in the relationship will surely bear fruit beneficial during varing times. Test these out within your relationships, it is never too early or late to get started with healthy practices. As always let us know your experiences.
Artwork credit: Bart Cooper’s Black Art Collection, Jean-Michel Basquiat. images courtesy of MDbyBartCooper.